Meetings will be held in person and Zoom, unless otherwise stated.
September 11 @ 7:00pm
October 2 @ 7:00pm
November 6 @ 7:00pm
December 4 @ 1:00pm
January 15 @ 1:00pm
February 5 @ 6:00pm
March 5 @ 6:00pm
April 2 @ 7:00pm Zoom Link
May 7 @
June 4 @
School Council Agenda
Springbank Middle School (SMS)
March School Council Meeting
- Welcome
- Call Meeting to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Meeting Minutes
- Trustee’s Report - Judi Hunter
- Administration Report - Glen Brooker & Diana Stapor
- Co-chair’s Report – Sandra Kachuik & Caley Remington
- Reports from Representative Positions
- Athletics Report
- Band
- Canadian Parents for French
- Fundraising
- Fun Lunches
- Spirit Day
- Volunteer Coordinator – Casino is coming up March 18/19th and volunteers are needed (JJ).
- Grants
- Learning Commons – No scholastic book fair this Spring as dates with conferences didn’t align (JB).
- Open Floor
- Next Meetings
- Adjournment
January School Council Meeting
- Welcome
- Call Meeting to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Meeting Minutes
- Trustee’s Report - Judi Hunter
- Administration Report - Glen Brooker & Diana Stapor
- Co-chair’s Report – Sandra Kachuik & Caley Remington
- Reports from Representative Positions
- Athletics Report
- Band
- Canadian Parents for French
- Fundraising
- Fun Lunches
- Spirit Day
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Grants
- Learning Commons
- Open Floor
- Next Meetings
8. Adjournment
School Council Meeting Minutes
February Meeting
Approval of Agenda - Passed
Approval of Meeting Minutes - Passed
Trustee’s Report - Judi Hunter
February 2025 Newsletter Trustee Hunter, Ward 5
High schools have completed their term-one departmental exams and students have entered the second term. Plans are underway for June departmental exams and graduation ceremonies for graduating Grade 12 students.
Two Rocky View School projects were announced under the Alberta Governments accelerator program: Full construction funding for Airdrie High School; Full construction funding for Chestermere K-9. The anticipated completion of these projects is Fall 2028.
Rocky View Schools is transitioning to the WheresTheBus App. This app provides information that checks the current location of the bus, when it arrives at your child’s stop and school. WheresTheBus replaces the Bus Status App, which will no longer be available effective March 6.
The Board of Trustees approved a $300 000.00 contribution to the Ed Eggerer Athletic Park in Airdrie which will provide opportunities for the three Airdrie high school students to access this field as part of a joint-use agreement with the City of Airdrie. The Board contributed $230000 to the Cochrane Turf Field and $500 000 to the new Horseshoe Crossing High School turf field in Langdon. Turf projects are costly and can only happen with the contributions of many partners. Where possible, the Board seek to support opportunities to improve the athletic opportunities for students. Football Alberta and the Alberta Schools Athletic Association require artificial turf for playoffs and regional championships.
The education landscape is seeing labour unrest. Educational support workers from many of Alberta’s Northern Boards are currently on strike. The Board will be addressing bussing fees as part of its budget process, which will begin in the next month.
Parents can expect an increase in fees due to a rise in fuel prices and wages incurred by our transportation partners. This year, the Board was able to defer those increases as the Board drew down transportation reserves.
The Airdrie Space accommodation changes will commence September 2025. The Board is in the final process of re-evaluating the numbers and considering any further adjustments.
Early learning testing mandated by the provincial government is under fire by Alberta teachers, who are concerned with the amount time used to conduct the testing.
In 2024, Learning Disruption Funding was renamed Literacy and Support Funding, to support the
development of crucial early literacy and numeracy skills in Alberta’s youngest learners.
All students in grades 1 to 3 are being screened twice a year, in September and January.
Students requiring additional support will be screened a third time at the end of the school year to
monitor their progress.
New screening requirements will be introduced for students in grades 4 and 5 in September 2026.
For detailed information visit:
The Board is in the third year of its 4-year strategic plan. The Board will be receiving administrative updates on the progress being made in each of the areas:
Improving student learning
Strengthening our workforce
Bolstering our infrastructure
Connecting with community
A recent study of myopia in young people found a 30% increase since the pandemic.
Administration Report - Glen Brooker & Diana Stapor – Not Available.
Co-chair’s Report – Sandra Kachuik & Caley Remington – N/A
Reports from Representative Positions
Athletic Report: The Jr. A Girls Basketball Team had their Divisional Playoffs this past Tuesday at Seven Chiefs Sportsplex. Unfortunately, they lost a close one by 2 or 3 points in the first game of the playoffs, but won their second game. The team has one more tournament this Friday and Saturday to wrap up their season.The Jr. A Boys Basketball Team had their Divisional Playoffs yesterday (Wednesday) , also at Seven Chiefs Sportsplex. The Boys won their first game and then unfortunately lost their second game and finished the day winning the third game and capturing the Bronze Medal in the 3A Division.
The Jr. B Basketball season will very likely start next week or the first week after the February break. This is open to all grade 7 & 8 students. We are still looking for parents to help out with both the girls and boys teams. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Lee. Generally, the teams will practice twice a week, either in the morning at 7:15 am or after school until 4:45 pm. The tournaments are scheduled for March 7, 14, 21.
The Grade 6 Basketball season will begin in early March and the tournament will be on Friday, March 28.
- Band – N/A
- Canadian Parents for French – Volunteer required.
- Fundraising – N/A
- Fun Lunches – going well.
- Spirit Day – N/A
- Volunteer Coordinator – N/A
- Grants – N/A
- Learning Commons – N/A
Next Meetings
March 5, 6pm.
Adjournment 6:55pm
December Meeting
Call Meeting to Order – 1:10pm
Approval of Agenda – no objections
Approval of Meeting Minutes – no objections
Trustee’s Report - Judi Hunter
Robotics HS team, Grade 12 team 177/4000 worldwide
Modulars updates
Boundary review completed
Our ward changed to Ward 4 represented by Judi. Judi will not be coming back. Last day Sept. Need new superintendents.
Links to child wellbeing via Alberta Ed.
Showcase of learning at High School, Dec. 5
Winter Market Dec 12 th Banded Peak. HS students making products. Performances by band a outdoor fires.
Administration Report - Glen Brooker & Diana Stapor
Great 6 band was a great turn out!
Soiree Francais, Dec 4th.
Girls Volleyball Zones done well. Junior Girls B volleyball going well.
Girls/boys pep rally went well!
Bingo fundraiser.
Theme week for kids before xmas
Life size Gingerbread house contest with house teams.
SEP, School Ed Plan meeting this week to go over school plans. Survey will be going out to parents to provide input on our school expectations/positive language.
Care Awards at the end of December.
PD day very productive with teachers: Micro aggressions presentations, house team building, discussions around EFT block.
Co-chair’s Report – Sandra Kachuik & Caley Remington
Activities plans for the year will be emailed.
Ie. Hot chocolate “pop up” unscheduled.
Approved prizes for 12 GC staff days of xmas, $20.
Need to discuss how school funds are to be used and rules. Need to set meeting with Diana, Glen, Judy and council chairs.
Need to ask Bev for itemized list of healthy hunger account.
Send out welcome letter to Grade 5 parents introducing co-chair, requesting for volunteer reps.
Reports from Representative Positions
- Athletics Report – N/A
- Band – still need a rep
- Canadian Parents for French – We still need a rep.
- Fundraising – need someone/community fundraising is ideal
- Fun Lunches – new vendor issues/timings/new leads. For most part it’s going ok though.
- Spirit Day – spirit week coming up/pj day, etc. week of16th
- Volunteer Coordinator – Grade Going to send email to Grade 8 parents looking for volunteers to distribute lunches for “Great 8 lunch” fundraising for grad.
- Grants – N/A
- Learning Commons – N/A
Open Floor
Diana Stapor is the main contact re French in the school (Judi asked). It’s free to join Canadian parents for French. At elementary school we were looking at doing a spring flower fundraiser for French. Would that work? Discussion around FI and Rocky View support. Is it possible for French in HS to continue online? Other ways to support? French Immersion principals got together to discuss….do French teachers feel isolated? Link in with Universities/Uni credits Delphi programme?? DS said that French summit was held … trying to brain-storm in school re things such as care awards in french. Spring Flower fundraiser, Caley offered to run. March 20 is national francophone day, there will be a TBD event. “Active Schools Group“ a possible way of organizing away camps. Criminal record checks coming in next gov’t/election.
Next Meetings: 1pm – 15 Jan, 2025
Adjournment: 2:08pm.
November Meeting
Call to Order: 7:12pm
Approval of Agenda: Caley & Jean
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Caley & Tammy
Trustee’s Report - Judi Hunter
NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER, TRUSTEE HUNTER, WARD 5Students’ Unique Invention Protects Parks Through Hands-on Learning
Grade 1 and 2 French Immersion students from Airdrie’s A.E. Bowers Elementary School collaborated with Parks Canada in 2023/24 to develop a tool to keep our national parks and picnic areas clean. Students developed critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, creativity, innovation and citizenship skills all key to building future-ready students which is one of the goals of Rocky View Schools’ (RVS) Education Plan.
Board to Requests the Town of Cochrane Provide Serviced School Site as Previously Agreed
The Town of Cochrane and RVS signed a memorandum of understanding in 2021 which required the Town to provide a serviced site in the community of Horsecreek by the end of 2024. The Board will send a letter to the Town mayor and council requesting the Town honour the terms of the memorandum of understanding. The new high school in Cochrane is number six on RVS’ Capital Plan priorities list for 2026 and a necessary addition of student spaces. Municipalities play an important role in ensuring school sites are ready when they are needed as part of the Provincial government’s school project approval process.
Chestermere Student Accommodation Engagement OpenRVS’ schools in Chestermere are experiencing enrolment pressures that require new school builds as soon as possible, but despite design funding being approved for one Chestermere school in Budget 2024, this pressure on existing schools will continue until this much-needed school can be built. A Board accommodation decision will be made at the public Board meeting on Jan. 23, 2025.
Supporting Inclusion and Diversity Update
The RVS Learning department provided an update to the Board on professional development opportunities presented to classroom staff and school administrators in 2023/24, which support RVS’ inclusion and diversity guidelines Providing student-centered education that is inclusive, safe and supportive is one of the goals of RVS’ multi-year Strategic Plan.
Ward Boundary Decision
The Board has approved the recommendation of the consultant for the Board Boundary review. The change will see an additional trustee in the City of Cochrane and the combination of Wards 2 and 4 as one trustee position and adding one trustee position to Cochrane, leaving the Board composition of 8 trustees.
Search for a new Chief Superintendent begins
Superintendent of Schools, Greg Luterbach, has given notice. We thank him for his eight plus years of service and his commitment to providing quality learning for the students of Rocky View Schools.
2025/26 School Calendar Approved
The Board has approved the 2025/26 school calendar. The calendar is now posted.
2024/25 Advocacy Priorities Focus on Space and Supports for Students.
The Board has approved the priorities to guide its advocacy work for the current school year – Space for Students and Support for Students. These thoughtfully developed advocacy priorities are specific areas where increased government support is essential to address critical needs that impact the educational experience and outcomes of students.
Alberta’s opt-in bill for sex education
The legislation requires parents to be notified each time a teacher addresses gender identity, sexual orientation or human sexuality instruction.
Metis learning to be implemented
Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools in Okotoks have recently announced a new educational services agreement with the Rupertsland Institute, to help students at local Catholic schools learn more about Métis history and culture.
Ottawa to mull restricting protests outside 'vulnerable' institutions
Over the past few years, protests at schools, places of worship and other community places have increased. The City of Ottawa is considering enacting a bylaw to protect such institutions from harm, intimidation and vitriol.
Inflation impacts Purchase of New Buses
Rising costs have impacted the purchase of new buses and vehicle parts for the Northern Lights Public Schools Division (NLPS). “We have seen prices rise to 70 percent on new buses in the past five years,” said a spokesperson for the school division, who explained that some vehicle parts have increased in price by as much as 200-300 percent in the same period.
Labor unrest hits education
Edmonton Support Workers vote for strike action.
Administration Report - Glen Brooker & Diana Stapor
Smoothest Halloween year with care awards plus dance, inviting parents etc.
FI care celebrated together all in French. Staff were happy, the day flowed by. Drama production was good. Costume contest was good because they went to every class ;) Loads dressed up and great fun was had by all.
Nov break “poo-pooed” by Rockyview District Schools. Too much disruptive knock-on effect.
More conflict this time of year. GB told staff to keep an eye out. Boys teasing girls, etc., we need to reign them in. Some charged language going on. They’re not using it at people specifically, but inappropriate words are generally being used –becoming part of the vernacular. GB is looking for a speaker re words – a guy from Vancoouver but $5k.
FI summit GB sat with the FI team about what we’re doing and how can we celebrate FI more. A Christmas event will happen, talking about resources re literacy, dynamic engaged event. Do we stick FI’s in a wing of the school? Re-structure the time table? FI programme needs more focus. Teachers said that resiliency is poor … teachers are having to fold and speaking English. Kids using google translate. G5 meeting needs to happen right away – discussing resources with parents, explaining class, etc. Kids struggling to read the French questions on tests etc. More information sessions required, more might follow on Sign up genus.
Co-chair’s Report – Sandra Kachuik & Caley Remington
Discussion of School Funds: School generated funds are not for the school council to spend.
Staff appreciation/Spirit days? In December? When would be a good time? Decided that January is best. Perhaps ask kids to write a letter to teachers? Sign up genius could be used to engage parents.
Reports from Representative Positions
- Athletics Report – N/A
- Band – lots of fundraising and concerts in Dec and end Nov.
- Canadian Parents for French – No rep! Have Judy come to French Soiree (info will be coming)
- Fundraising – Nothing going on in works now
- Fun Lunches – going great. Prices going up a little.
- Spirit Day – Jean will chat with Sarah and figure it out + Caley
- Volunteer Coordinator – Nothing on right now.
- Grants – None at moment.
- Learning Commons - Library was torn apart for book fair. Initially we were only going to do 4 days, but we did 5 and have decided that it’s too long – suggest back to 4 next time. Reading pods discussed.
Open Floor
Family Skate Food drive at 12:45 to 2:45 Red Dutton at SPFAS on 11 Nov.
Policy re funds spend – give to Dinah to summarize.
Next Meetings
4th Dec at 1pm
Adjournment – 8:32pm
Chelsea, Jill, Tammy, Jean, Jean, Glen, Caley, Sandra,
Meeting to Order at 7:05
Approval of Agenda – Motion: Jean; Second: Caley
Approval of Meeting Minutes – Motion: Caley; Second: Sandra
Trustee’s Report - Judi Hunter
October 2024 Newsletter Ward 5 Trustee Hunter
School has been in session for over a month now and students are busy with their studies, and extra-curricular activities. School calendars are posted on the school’s website for family planning.
The Board is scheduling student accommodation community engagements for the City of Cochrane and the Town of Chestermere.
A few community updates
- Rocky View County held its meeting on the proposed Petro Canada station at RR33 and highway 1. A decision to follow.
- Calaway Park will be expanded TWP Road 45 to the West.This will impact access to Springbank Middle School – more to come on that.
- Please be aware that many RVS buses are equipped with cameras to register the license plates of cars who do not stop and pass the bus while the stop arm is out
- Schools report satisfaction with the new cellphone use policy. Link to parent awareness of social media.
- The City of Airdrie held a successful back-to-school clothing drive and swap in September.
Alberta opens its first Autism school.
Link to children’s autism organization:
Alberta Beef Producers has initiated a new program for elementary students called “Running with Ranchers”. It is sponsored by the Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation (GRPF).
Link to initiative
Alberta government in a joint initiative with CASA Mental Health is supporting 9 new 5 -month student mental health programs for across the province. This a link to the story.
Link to CASA website
Across the country
In Manitoba, Bill 35, the Education Administration Amendment Act, was passed unanimously last spring. It is like bills in Alberta and other provinces that offer public information regarding teacher misconduct
Manitoba implement school nutrition program
Recommended Reading
For those of you who would like educational related reading the following recommendations are worth a look:
Charles Duhigg
Can American Capitalism Survive?
Eco Anxiety
Links are provided so you can see the cover and read the synopsis
Administration Report - Glen Brooker & Diana Stapor
Quarterly meeting with OT’s and psychologists. Miss Bersado (“MB” she’s the CDA) helps comms with families. She is the gateway to bring in services and support. Child psychologist background. Knows who needs to be involved to work with families as needed.
“FSL” liaison – support school & family. “Soft-landings” for kids to arrive at school.
GB meets once a week with MB and they talk about kids/process etc.
Math pre-assessments have been completed to see where students at, but results not back yet (targeting all FI Grades 5&6).
What’s guiding our year – categorizing students, what types of learners they are, how do they read?
Added EFT time for all students…not just FI.
7&8’s literacy support, and each teacher has to submit the subject based learning plan, starting next Friday – dedicated time to read is needed. What groups of kids need what. Not speaking, reading or writing enough French.
Co-chair’s Report – Sandra Kachuik & Caley Remington
Cheese fundraiser for the FI – who will be the fundraiser? Need a volunteer!
“Fit Set Ninja” – obstacle course in the gym in winter discussed – 300 kids a day….$1,750 per day (Caley said elementary didn’t like them. Sandra asked Caley to double check if ok?
FOSMASS – fundraising through the Casino (March 18th and 19th Pure Casino (can Caley take it over?) – Secretary leaving, so we need a secretary too. “Jill” has been doing it.
Reports from Representative Positions
- Athletics Report – read by DK
- Band – rep needed
- Canadian Parents for French – rep needed
- Fundraising – everything filled
- Fun Lunches – great! Lots of volunteers
- Spirit Day – Halloween – we’re having the care awards during the mornings, then maybe a dance afterwards. time, last 2 periods.
- Volunteer Coordinator – Nick?
- Grants – No update but some “in the works”
- Learning Commons - teachers can have a wish list for books further direction needed though. Book Fair volunteers required.
- Open Floor – N/A
- Next Meetings
Nov 6th 7pm
- Adjournment