Student Handbook

SMS Student Handbook





Vision and Purpose

Coming Soon…

School Values

  • Genuine Connection: Building relationships that foster respect and understanding.
  • Sense of Belonging: Creating a welcoming environment for all.
  • Opportunity for Growth: Encouraging exploration, learning, and self-discovery.
  • Energy for Success: Empowering every student to reach their full potential.
  • Collaborative Community: Working together for shared success.
  • Accountable Learning: Taking responsibility for growth and achievement.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is essential for academic success.

  • Students should arrive on time and attend all scheduled classes.
  • Parents/guardians must notify the school of absences.
  • Extended absences for medical reasons, travel, or family emergencies require prior communication with administration (office).

Academic Expectations

  • Complete all assignments, projects, and assessments on time.
  • Seek help from teachers or peers if struggling with concepts.
  • Engage actively in collaborative and individual learning opportunities.
  • Use school-provided technology responsibly and only for educational purposes.
  • Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, and any other forms of misrepresentation, is strictly prohibited and may result in student consequences.

Awards and Recognitions

The school celebrates the achievements of our students and recognizes their contribution.  Throughout the year, we celebrate students with CARE Awards which highlights their commitment to our class and school community.  SMS also, celebrates fine arts and athletic achievements at our end of year awards ceremony.

Extracurricular Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in activities that support their interests and talents, including:

  • Sports teams
  • Drama and music programs
  • Leadership groups
  • Clubs (e.g., coding, art, or environmental initiatives)

Eligibility to participate in extracurriculars is dependent on being in good academic standing and behavior that contributes to the positive culture of our building.

Health and Safety

  • Emergency Preparedness: Regular drills for fire, lockdown, and other emergencies will be conducted throughout the school calendar year.
  • Medical Emergencies: Parents must inform the school of any medical conditions or allergies.
  • Allergy Awareness: While not "allergen-free," schools request families avoid sending allergenic products when notified. Students with severe allergies are asked to provide information and medication to the school.     
  • Scent-Free – Springbank Middle School will be moving to a scent-free space.
  • Illness: Please do not send students to school who are not well. Students that attend school unwell, tend not to engage in the learning due to their illness and end up in the infirmary which results in the office contacting families.
  • Alberta Health Services: Provide a regular program of immunization and health promotion within the school.  These programs are highlighted through Newsletters to inform families of this service.
  • Medication: SMS does not dispense medication to students unless Rocky View Schools documentation has been provided.

Digital Citizenship

  • Students must use technology responsibly, respecting others' privacy and adhering to school and Rocky View School technology policies.
  • Cyberbullying, inappropriate content, or misuse of devices will result in disciplinary action.
  • Personal devices should only be used when allowed by teachers during learning activities or during time approved by school administration.

Personal Devices

Students cannot use their personal mobile device in school during instructional time, unless specially authorized by their school’s administrator or their teacher for educational purposes. This includes any personal electronic device that can be used to communicate with or access the internet. Examples include cell phones, smart watches, laptops and tablets. 

The safest place for students’ devices is at home. Should they choose to bring them to school, they must be out of sight and turned off or silent. Parents/guardians and students assume full responsibility if their device is lost, stolen or damaged.

Student Code of Conduct

All students are expected to:

  • Show respect for self, others, and property.
  • Demonstrate integrity and accountability in their learning.
  • Follow school rules and regulations, including safe and responsible use of technology.
  • Treat everyone with kindness and inclusivity, creating a positive school culture.
  • Follow Section 31 of the Alberta Education Act
    • Attend School Regularly and Punctually
    • Be ready to Learn and actively engage in and diligently pursue the students’ education
    • Ensure that the student’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment.
    • Respect the rights of others in the school.
    • Refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed towards others in the school, whether it occurred within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means,
    • Comply with the rules of the school and policies of the board.
    • Cooperate with everyone authorized by the board to provide educational programs and other services.
    • Be accountable to the student’s teacher and other school staff for the student’s conduct, and
    • Positively contribute to the student’s school and community.

 Unacceptable Behaviours: Bullying, harassment, discrimination, or any actions that compromise the safety and well-being of others are not tolerated and the use of AP 355 – Student Suspensions and Recommendation for Expulsion may be applied.

Dress Code

Students should dress in a way that is:

  • Respectful of the school environment and others.
  • Appropriate for learning activities and safety requirements.
  • Free from offensive, discriminatory, or distracting content.
  • Consistent with OH&S regulations. (Shoes)

Code of Conduct, Discipline and Restorative Practices

Springbank Middle School emphasizes learning from mistakes through restorative practices, which may include:

  • Reflective conversations.
  • Repairing harm caused by actions.
  • Logical student consequences.
  • Suspension from school or school related activities

Physical Education

SMS believes strongly in being active during PE class.  It is important for students to bring appropriate clothing to support their learning.  Proper footwear for students reduces the risk of injury and as such, non-athletic footwear is not acceptable to participate in our PE classes. Valuables such as wallet, glasses, jewellery, and money should be secured in their lockers and not brought to the change rooms.  SMS assumes no responsibility for loss, stolen or damaged student valuables.


Lockers are the property of SMS and are provided to students for their convenience. Students are expected to use lockers responsibly and in accordance with school policies. Locks will be provided to students, and no outside locks are permitted on lockers. 

In cases where it is deemed necessary to ensure the safety and security of the school community, administration reserves the right to search lockers. By using a school locker, students and parents acknowledge and accept this policy.


  • Families are responsible for registering students for bussing with Rocky View School transportation department.
  • Students are expected to follow the bus safety rules and demonstrate respect for drivers and fellow passengers set out by Rocky View Schools.
  • Misconduct on the bus may result in suspension from transportation services.

Parent-School Communication

Strong partnerships between families and schools are essential. Parents are encouraged to:

  • Attend parent-teacher conferences and school events.
  • Regularly check communication platforms like PowerSchool and Google Classroom.
  • Communicate with teachers or administration about questions or concerns.

School Council

School Councils can enhance student learning by engaging parents, staff and community members to advise the Principal and the Board on matters concerning school improvement planning.  The division views each School Council as a means for parents and community members to work together with the school to support and enhance students learning.  SMS follows School Council policies and procedures in set out by Alberta Education and Rocky View Schools.  

Supporting Student Well-Being

  • SMS provide access to Child Development Advisors, Learning Supports, and Rocky View Schools enhanced supports.
  • Students are encouraged to seek help if facing academic, emotional, or social challenges.

Celebrating Diversity

At Springbank Middle School we celebrate and embrace the rich diversity that each student and family bring to our community. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to share their unique perspectives, cultures, and traditions.

SMS believe that diversity enriches our learning experiences, broadens our understanding of the world, and fosters empathy and collaboration. Through respectful dialogue, meaningful relationships, and shared experiences, we strive to cultivate a school culture that honors and celebrates differences while promoting unity and belonging.

Food Delivery 

At Springbank Middle School, the safety and well-being of our students are vital in creating a safe learning environment. For this reason, we do not permit food delivery services on campus. Allowing individuals with no connection to our school or students to access SMS premises introduces a potential safety risk, as it becomes challenging to monitor and verify their identity or intentions. SMS will refuse food delivery and have the individual leave SMS property.  

Parent and Guardian Involvement

Parents and families play a vital role in student success. Opportunities to get involved include:

  • Joining the School Council.
  • Volunteering for events and activities.
  • Attending parent-teacher conferences to stay informed about student progress.

School Closures

Inclement weather or other emergencies that result in the school not opening or bus canceling are announced on the following platforms:

  • RVS Website.
  • School Messenger
  • Local Radio Stations


 The principal reserves the authority to make decisions on matters not explicitly addressed in this handbook. These decisions will be made in alignment with Rocky View Schools policies, provincial regulations, and the best interests of the school community.

This clause ensures that unforeseen circumstances or unique situations are handled in a manner that upholds the values and expectations of the school while maintaining a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.